North Korea’s first simulated nuclear counterattack military exercise, Kim Jong-un provides on-site guidance

North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency reported that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un yesterday directed the super-large rocket launcher unit to conduct simulated comprehensive tactical training for nuclear counterattacks.

According to reports, North Korea's national nuclear weapons comprehensive management system "Nuclear Trigger" conducted its first comprehensive tactical training to simulate a nuclear counterattack yesterday, during which it fired a super-large multiple rocket launcher and hit an island target 352 kilometers away. Kim Jong-un expressed appreciation for the high hit rate and accuracy of the rocket launcher and was very satisfied with the results.

The Korean Central News Agency stated that this training re-examined the reliability of the entire system from many aspects and allowed the super-large rocket artillery unit to become proficient in the operational order and tactics of nuclear counterattack. He also criticized the multiple joint military exercises conducted by South Korea and the United States in recent days, saying that the enemy's military confrontation is more provocative and aggressive than ever before, and this training sent a clear warning signal.

The South Korean military said yesterday that North Korea launched multiple suspected short-range ballistic missiles from the Pyongyang area to the eastern sea. All of them flew more than 300 kilometers and landed in the East China Sea. It is estimated that the imaginary target may be South Korea's main military facilities. Japanese media reported that the missile crashed into the outside of Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

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